So I read the first book and LOVED it. It was with the times on social influencing and Skye honestly seemed like more of an average woman to me - still beautiful of course but more relatable. Then I read the second book and it's like it took on a whole new meaning of dark and controlling and just different!
This book is a lot more darker than Fifty Shades of Grey with almost everything. Braden is controlling and wants to control everything... from bed to everyday life. Then he has these secrets that he is keeping and I still have no idea what they are.... of course we all have an idea but I need to hear him say it... well read him say it haha.
Quick Summary
This book starts with Braden and Skye and them both trying to do a "normal" relationship. Skye needs to know everything so does a bunch of snooping to try and find out him and Addie's past. She can't find anything other than some rumors she regards false. For about the whole first part of the book she is still resisting control to Braden to a point where she is being careless and selfish - all while she is in denial about it all. She also gets more social influencing opportunities, finds out more about Bradens life, and actually starts to become someone she isn't sure she likes. Then Braden introduces her to this life, or society as you may call it that turns the gears in Skye completely making her submit and lose focus of the real world. At the end she ends up abusing this life for purposes other than pleasure and Bradens draws the line... and pretty much the book ends there.
I'm honestly enjoying the idea of the female character being the problem in this book, because it's different from all others. Braden has his own problems of course, but you can see he is trying for the sake of Skye... but honestly Skye is just a selfish beotch and only thinks of things that will benefit her. So when life gets hard to doesn't listen and ends up in a predicament that might make her lose herself and the man she loves. I also like that we get to see some sides of Braden soften up all while Skye is falling apart... it makes it so interesting that it's hard to look away - kind of like a beautiful disaster.
Y'all here is my rant. I LOATHE Skye... especially in this book. She is relatable yes... she does some things that I probably would do but she is relentless in this book it becomes annoying. She starts to become a brat with the influencing and pretty much ends up ditching her friends all the time, Tessa especially. Then all she can do is complain how she got the jobs because she is Blacks girlfriend... like either don't do it or stop complaining. UGH. Then with sex.... ALL SHE EVER TALKS ABOUT IS ORGASAMS. Like sex isn't only about that, and while she says she understands, she just seems ungrateful the entire time. Then at the end... when all things are crashing down she literally does exactly what Braden says NOT to do and does it. Like she makes no sense to me WHAT SO EVER.
Rant over, sorry haha.
Overall this book was fantastic, it started off a little slow and annoying but got much better when Braden was more involved in the book. This book is darker than most erotic romances I read as in... the type of play, bondage, acts, etc and I did enjoy it but didn't "excite" me as much.. if that makes sense haha. It definitely is unique and Helen Hardt is the QUEEN of erotic romance so I believe the 3rd book will be AMAZING.